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Baswarooponi v.Babulalsoni BCI DC Appeal No.25/1992

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Babulalsoni is the father of Balswaroopsoni. He filed a complaint against his son alleging professional misconduct before the Madhya Pradesh Bar Council. The allegations are as follows:
1. A criminal case under S.307 I.P.C. is pending against him.
2. while appearing as a defence counsel for one munna in a criminal case No.125/89 he has introduced his own brother as Dwarha Pradesh and arranged him to stand as surety for munna.
3. He has withdrawn a sum of Rs.1500 deposited in the court in the name of Babulalsoni in a civil case without his consent. Before the State Bar Council, Babulalsoni personally appeared and produced certain documentary evidence in support of his case but the present appellant did not appear though many chances are given to him. Finally the Bar Council held that Balswaroopsoni is guilty of professional misconduct and passed an order removing his name from the Advocates Roll. Against this order Balswaroopsoni filed an appeal the Bar Council of India. In the appeal he denied all the allegations against him but, failed to produce any documentary evidence in his support. Regarding the second allegation he took a defence that munna brought one person and introduced him as Dwarakha Prasad. Believing Munna’swords only he also introduced him to the court as Dwarakha Prasad. This defence was not accepted by the Bar Council of India because Balswaroopsoni knows that the person brought by Munna Dwarakha Prasad. Regarding the third allegation he took the defence that he is also one of the plaintiff in the said case and his father has given power to withdraw that amount of Rs .1500/.But no documentary evidence in support of this difference was produced by him. After hearing the parties the Bar Council of India reduced the punishment and suspended him from practice for a period of 5 years.


"शिक्षण हे सर्वात शक्तिशाली शस्त्र आहे ज्याचा वापर तुम्ही जग बदलण्यासाठी करू शकता"

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