प्लीडिंग आणि कन्व्हेयन्सिंगचा मसुदा तयार करणे
- मसुदा आणि संबंधित नियमांची सामान्य तत्त्वे
- फिर्यादी
- शपथपत्र
- अंमलबजावणी याचिका
- अपील आणि पुनरावृत्ती मेमोरँडम
- कला अंतर्गत याचिका. 226 आणि कला. भारताच्या संविधानातील 32
- तक्रार
- फौजदारी संकीर्ण याचिका
- जामीन अर्ज
- अपील आणि पुनरावृत्ती मेमोरँडम
- डीडच्या आवश्यक गोष्टी
- विक्री करार
- गहाणखत
- लीज डीड
- गिफ्ट डीड
- वचनपत्र
- पॉवर ऑफ अॅटर्नी
- करेल
- करार

Conveyancing is a system of documentation relating to transactions of properties movable or immovable as well as contracts.
Conveyancing is a system of documentation relating to transactions of properties movable or immovable as well as contracts.
Meaning: The law and practice of effecting property transactions and of contracts in general is commonly known as 'Conveyancing', Conveyancing is described as an "art of creating, transferring and extinguishing interests in property both in dealing with substantive law and providing examples to illustrate its principles.
Importance of Conveyancing: The question arises, what is the importance or advantage of the conveyancing system. The importance arises out of the legal system prevailing in the society.
The society which recognizes private ownership of property and is governed by the Rule of Law must have necessarily laws governing rights and obligations of persons owning properties R or otherwise and the laws governing dealings of properties and other transactions.
ड्राफ्टिंग गॅलरी